Thursday, July 28, 2011


As fitting as it is... I adopted Paisley 3 days before Valentine's Day 2011. She came to my house and met my 2 yr black lab Patsy to make sure they would get along. We went to visit Paisley in her "house" where she was staying... they got along just fine. I brought Paisley home and that's when it all started! She was shy and timid and mostly hid on her bed in my bedroom since she had broken out of 2 different crates while I wasn't home (not sure if her sister helped her but I wouldn't put it past her.. Patsy is a bit of a hooligan). She slowly came out of her shell and started to show who she truly is... such a sweet, good girl. We first had problems with counter surfing, then peeing or maybe marking, then all of a sudden it stopped. I think she started to feel comfortable in her new home. Paisley, from what I was told, started out with a pretty rough life but thankfully was taken in by GHS. I was told she soon became a favorite and there are no questions why. She listens,
is gentle even when she slowly jumps up to greet me at the door when I come home from work and she just loves and loves. She has seen and learned so many new things in 6 months. She LOVES her sister.. they play all the time. She has a extreme fondness for her dog bed. I have a lake house and even when she is there she finds "her" bed (she claimed the one in the living room the first night I brought her home and hasn't given it up yet). She swam this summer for the first time until Patsy jumped on her head and dunked her and now she gets in the water but when she sees her sister get riled up she runs to the shore and starts to play (she's pretty smart too). She has learned to boat and has shown that she is a true lab. She now gets on the boat by herself and gets VERY excited when you move the boat keys off of the key hook!! She loves to ride in the car. I sometimes think her and Patsy would rather stay in the car than in the house. She has been such a blessing and I
wouldn't change her one bit! Paisley is growing each day. It's amazing how far she has come since the day I brought her home!! I couldn't imagine not having Paisley and Patsy probably couldn't either. :) She also learned how to play with toys ... with 2 labs, we like to call it "tear it up through tug as fast as you can and whoever gets the squeaker out wins"!! Paisley is an amazing dog and we both got lucky... she and I.

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